British and comparative cultural studies: identities and representation
Universitat de les Illes Balears

BRICCS (British and Comparative Cultural Studies: Identities and Representations) is a research group established in 2019 at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and led by José Igor Prieto-Arranz. With a focus on three main research strands (Identity, gender and their intersections in cultural production; Contemporary literature, with special attention to emerging voices, non-canonical genres and the interaction between history, fiction and identity; and British and comparative audiovisual culture), the group’s line-up includes nine researchers from the UIB (among whom, Patricia Bastida Rodríguez and JI Prieto Arranz also collaborate with the Group Intersections, from the University of Oviedo) and another twelve from universities in Albania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom. The group is linked to SELICUP, the Spanish Society for the Study of Popular Culture (, currently the only active cultural studies association in Spain), and its Scopus-index journal Oceánide (