FFI2013-45642-R: ‘Embodied Encounters and Alternative Knowledges: Inhabiting and Creating Transnational Cities’ (Encuentros incorporados y conocimientos alternativos: Habitar y crear la ciudad’). MultipliCities. MINECO. Spanish National R&D Programme. 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2017. 52.030,00 €. IPs: Isabel Carrera Suárez, Esther Álvarez López.
MCIU-19-RTI2018-097186-B-I00: ‘Strangers and cosmopolitans: alternative worlds in contemporary literatures’. Spanish National R&D Programme. 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021. 72.600 €. IPs: Isabel Carrera Suárez, Carla María Rodríguez González.
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-675378 (Ref. U. Oviedo UE-15-GRACE-675378) “Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe” (GRACE). Marie Sklodowska Curie Project, International Training Network (ITN). European Commission: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015. 01/10/2015 – 30/09/2019. 3.719.102,04€. Participants: Isabel Carrera Suárez (IP), Esther Álvarez López, Emilia Durán Almarza, Carla Rodríguez González.
FFI2015-71921-REDT. ‘TransCanadian Networks. MINECO. Spanish National R&D Programme. 01/12/2015 – 30/11/2017. IP: E. Darias, U. La Laguna. Participants: I. Carrera Suárez.
538716-LLP-1-2013-1IT-ERASMUS-EQR. EDGES. Joint European Doctorate in Women’s and Gender Studies. EACEA. LLP. 2013-2015. IP: L. Crisafulli. U. of Bologna. Participants: I. Carrera Suárez and E. Durán Almarza.
FFI2010-17296. COSMOPOLIS. ‘The Fluid City: Literary Representations of the Transnational City’. MICINN. Spanish National R&D Programme 2011-2013. IP I. Carrera Suárez. Grupo Intersecciones.
FFI2016-75443: “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community”. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (European Union). IP: Mireia Aragay Sastre.
DAAD; Projekt-ID 57049392: “Representations of the Precarious in Contemporary British Theatre”. Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD). IPs: Mireia Aragay and Martin Middeke (U. Augsburg).
FFI2012-31842-P. “Ethical issues in contemporary British theatre since 1989: globalization, theatricality, spectatorship”. Spanish National R&D Programme. IP: Mireia Aragay
FEM2013-41977-P. “Women’s Tales”: The Short Fiction of Contemporary British Writers (1974-2013)”. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. 2014-2016. 20.000€. IP: Jorge Sacido Romero.
FFI2009-08475. “Us and Them: Discourses on Foreignness by Irish and Galician Women Writers (1980-2007)”. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. 2010-2012. 30.000€. IP: Manuela Palacios González.
FFI2013-45642-R: ‘Embodied Encounters and Alternative Knowledges: Inhabiting and Creating Transnational Cities’ (Encuentros incorporados y conocimientos alternativos: Habitar y crear la ciudad’). MultipliCities. MINECO. Spanish National R&D Programme. 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2017. 52.030,00 €. IPs: Isabel Carrera Suárez, Esther Álvarez López.
MCIU-19-RTI2018-097186-B-I00: ‘Strangers and cosmopolitans: alternative worlds in contemporary literatures’. Spanish National R&D Programme. 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021. 72.600 €. IPs: Isabel Carrera Suárez, Carla María Rodríguez González.
FFI2013-48640-C2-2P. “Language Acquisition in the Multilingual and Multicultural Classroom”. (MINECO). 2013. IP: M. Juan-Garau (UIB). 2014-2017. 42,350.00€. Participants: JI Prieto Arranz.
FFI2013-47789-C2-2-P. “Bodies in Transit: Making difference in Globalized Cultures”. 2013-2017. IP: Belén Martín Lucas, U. Vigo. Participants: Rubén Jarazo Álvarez
ITMS 26110230084. Kvalita vzdelávania a rozvoj kompetencií doktorandov a postdoktor-andov UPJŠ. The Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for the Structural Funds of EU. 2011. IP: Pavol Miskovsky (PJ Safarik Univ., Kosice, Slovakia). 2012-2015. 1,591,586.88€. Pariticipants: JI Prieto Arranz.
JIUZ-2019-HUM-02: «Nuevos feminismos en la era transmoderna?: Tendencias en la narrativa contemporánea en lengua inglesa. 2000€. IP: Silvia Pellicer. Members: Silvia Martínez Falquina, Barbara Arizti, M. Teresa Escudero and Susana Onega.
FFI2017-84258-P: “Literature in the Transmodern Era: Celebration, Limits and Transgression (2018-2021)”. MINEICO and ERDF. 2018-21.48.300€. IP: M. Dolores Herrero Granado; (Co-IP, Barbara Arizti Martín).
FFI2015-65775-P: “Palimpsestic Knowledge: Inquiries into a Transmodern Literary Paradigm (2016-2017)”. MINECO and ERDF. 2015-17. 44.100€. IP: Susana Onega Jaén.
FFI2012-32719: “Trauma and Beyond: The Rhetoric and Politics of Suffering in Contemporary Narrative in English.” MINECO and ERDF. 2013-15. 54.000 €. IP: Susana Onega Jaén.
FFI2017-82692-P: “Troubling Houses: Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature.” MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE. 2018-2020. IP: Rodrigo Andrés (Universitat de Barcelona).
FFI2014-53047-R: “New views on the community/New hybrid and sexualized Roma identities” MINECO. 01/01/2015-31/12/2017. 55.000 €. IP: Rodrigo Andres González.
FEM2011-23808: “Literature and Communities. A Gendered Approach”. National Plan for R+D+i. 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2014. 12.000 €. IP: Marta Segarra Montaner.