Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona
The research group “Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona” is officially recognised by the Catalan research agency AGAUR (2014 SGR 49; 2017 SGR 40) and has as its main field of research the outburst of theatrical energy and creativity that has, since the early 1990s, decisively contributed to widening the parameters of British theatre. Since 2009, the group has carried out three research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness – “The representation of politics and the politics of representation in post-1990 British drama and theatre” (FFI2009-07598), “Ethical issues in contemporary British theatre since 1989: globalisation, theatricality, spectatorship” (FFI2012-31842) and “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community” (FFI2016-75443) – and has participated in an international research project, “Representations of the Precarious in Contemporary British Theatre”, funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (Projekt-ID 57049392). Major publications resulting from these and earlier projects include Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre: Exploring Feeling on Page and Stage (2021), World Political Theatre and Performance: Theories, Histories, Practices (2020), Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in Twenty-first-century British Drama and Theatre (2017), a special issue on “Theatre and Spectatorship” for Journal of Contemporary Drama in English (2016), Ethical Speculations in Contemporary British Theatre (2014) and British Theatre of the 1990s: Interviews with Directors, Playwrights, Critics and Academics (2007).